lundi 27 février 2017

Driver's License Issues: Under 21 Suspension

My question involves a driver's license issued by the State of: Illinois

I got 2 tickets one for turning right at a stopsign where no turn was posted (it was 1am didnt see it) when i got the ticket i went in and paid it
A few months later i got another ticket for going 68 in a 55 (again i just went in and paid it) that was about 4 days before i turned 21.
Because i got 2 tickets in 24mo under 21 my liscense was suspended.
Im a full time college student and i hold down 2 jobs to be able to afford to go to school. Both jobs require me to have my drivers liscense... The total cost of this has been over 5 thousand dollars for minor traffic violations.
Im still young and have alot to learn about the legal system but i do feel like i have been mistreated by the courts simply because of my age..
Thoughts opinions???

Driver's License Issues: Under 21 Suspension

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