lundi 27 février 2017

Breaking a Lease: Roommate Forced Me Out, I'm Still on the Lease

My question involves landlord-tenant law in the State of: Pennsylvania

July 1st, 2016 Chris and I signed a 15 month lease together.
I stopped sleeping at the apartment as of December 4th, 2016.
We argued all through November.

------------THE BACK STORY

One of those 'Omg, who am I living with?' happened. Initially, Chris didn't care if I decorated the apartment and we used my furniture and my belongings instead of his. He didn't care that I had the bigger room, my 3 year old son shared it with me. He initially agreed that I payed less in rent because I paid the electric, renters insurance, internet and I bought the food and cooked and cleaned.

Then, I got back with my ex. And suddenly, it was a problem that... well. Everything became a problem. All of it. He began bad mouthing me to my own coworkers- telling them over exaggerated, drama filled stories. These coworkers told other coworkers I work with it and I was bad mouthed all over Facebook. Chris would post things without using my name but I'm not stupid. This caused multiple issues for me at work and these issues still persist to this day.

Chris forced me out of the apartment before I was ready to do so. Initially- the move out date was decided by him to be Jan 10th, 2017. Two months time to pack up my stuff and find a new place.
But suddenly that wasn't enough for Chris, I refused to cancel my trips to Arizona over Christmas and I refused to cancel my trip to Jamaica at the end of January. He felt that I needed to cancel the trips because I needed to focus on moving out. Then it was 'You should probably sell your car, it costs too much.'
I agreed to move out because he threatened to leave the apartment and let me get evicted. (He could afford it on his own, I couldn't. My mistake there) He didn't care if this hit his credit report because he could just go live with his parents again. I didn't have such options. So I agreed to leave.
Chris couldn't make up his mind- Jan 10th soon turned into 'I want you out in two weeks.' And took the batteries out of the thermostat.

The stress from work, trying to find a place to live, and dealing with Chris's....outbursts got to be too much so I had most of my stuff packed up the weekend of the 4th. I packed my car up with what I would need and anything else I could fit in my compact sized car. I had an open invitation with the boyfriend.

Which is where I currently reside, with the boyfriend. It's been almost 3 months now.

I had a knee surgery which I haven't fully recovered from, the apartment in question is up a flight of stairs. Chris knows I struggle with stairs and carry things up and down them more then a few times will aggravate my knee. He already knows I'm physically incapable of moving my belonging by myself.
I have made three trips with the boyfriend, his truck and trailer and my car. I have made trips by myself with my car.

Most of my belongings are out of 'his' apartment. I still need to make another trip with the boyfriend and truck to get the last of it.

--------The ISSUE

I'm still on the lease. I cannot be removed from it. I did pay my share when I lived there. Chris created a hostile environment and I left because I felt I didn't have another choice.
But Chris has repeated threatened to throw my stuff to the curb if I don't come pick it up by such such a day.

Because I am legally still on the lease, and legally still responsible for the apartment can he continue to harass me like this?

I know I need to get my belongings out of there. I've been trying. I don't have friends or family in PA, I came from NJ. I don't have moving help. My storage locker isn't 24/7 and I work till 6. I'm only off one week day and I also need to work around my boyfriends schedule.

Honestly guys, I just need to know if I have any right to tell Chris to F**K off with his grade school threats legally.


Breaking a Lease: Roommate Forced Me Out, I'm Still on the Lease

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