lundi 25 juillet 2016

Child Abuse: Proving Emotional or Mental Abuse

My question involves child abuse or neglect in the State of:

I am a mother of 3 young boys. My ex is a sociopath. I currently have full custody. He was very abusive, mostly emotionally, but also physically, towards me and my oldest son who is not his biological child. He has been charged once for assault and issued a peace bond, which expired then 10 months later was charged with uttering threats to cause death. we are awaiting trial now. currently there is a court order that states that he shall have no access to the children. I am supposed to facilitate phone calls however. During these calls he acts as the "Disney land parent" promises of the world and extravagant toys etc, to entice my children and want to see him, also making comments like "daddy was in your town this weekend, I guess mommy didn't let you see me". My children become angry, hateful and physically aggressive towards me after talking to their father. I have since stopped facilitating these calls, but I am in breach of a court order by doing so. He is pending charges, which is why I assume he hasn't taken me back to court to re-gain access. this is a very long story short.....

I guess my question lies in the frustration that everyone I talk to tells me that he has a right to the boys...

I understand this...however my children have a right to grow up without mental health issues, which I may add are already showing...signs of ptsd and anxiety in the two oldest. the youngest is just very aggressive and has severe anger issues.

Why as a parent who is supposed to "protect" am I being told to "prepare my children to be abused". It seems as though there is this law that because he shot some sperm into me he just has a right to destroy these little makes me sick! These boys have a right to grow up happy, without trauma, without hate.

oh so very frustraded mommy....

PS...I will say that for the first two years after I left I followed every court order! I allowed him to see his boys whenever he wanted...until he threatened to shoot me infront of them...I now draw the line.

Child Abuse: Proving Emotional or Mental Abuse

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