dimanche 31 juillet 2016

Copyright Law: Writing a Book Based on a Video Game.do I Need a License

The title of my thread is a little vague, but let me put it out there...

I have written (most of) a children's book that includes original art and a story written by me. HOWEVER, the characters come from a video game and the plot of my story, while the game never puts it into a narrative text the way that I have, pretty much follows the 'adventure' depicted in the game.

I've looked all over the net and I've just gotten overwhelmed with all the info and have found it hard to find an exact answer to my situation. Is this a situation where I need to contact the game publisher and ask to license it? Or am I somehow covered by Fair use? (I doubt it) I guess this could kinda be considered a "novelization" - what do authors of movie novelizations do?

Any direction would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Copyright Law: Writing a Book Based on a Video Game.do I Need a License

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