jeudi 28 juillet 2016

Support Arrears: Child Support Arrears Enforcement After a Disabled Parent Goes on SSI

My question involves a child custody case from the State of: New Jersey

Payee/NCP is on SSI. Child Support was awarded to CP and NCP received SSI approval letter afterwards, the approval was retroactive to before the actual cs award. There were not previous support award and the CP is very high wage earner Reconsideration was filed but court was unwilling to change the original order as far as arrears, but CS was terminated. There is a arrears amount that accumulated between the support award until date of termination, which was date letter was received not the retroactive approval date. I was of the opinion that arrears should not enforceable because of Crespo vs Crespo 2007, where the NCP had built up around $28k of arrears before and after a disability finding and the appellate court ordered the $30/month toward arrears not enforceable, and refereed the case back for a order to stop enforcement of arrears.. Judge stated "he doesn't do that" when I asked for the Crespo rulling to be applied. and I could pay $50 a month out of the ($500/month) SSI award. A reconsideration to the same Judge seems like a waste of time. It appears contempt would have to move to my location in North Carolina, where collection attempts are bared by administrative policy to SSI recipients. Do pro se appeals have any hope at all? There are very little as far a guidelines how to structure an appeal in New Jersey. My main risk is negative credit information being posted by New Jersey support enforcement.

Support Arrears: Child Support Arrears Enforcement After a Disabled Parent Goes on SSI

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