mercredi 27 juillet 2016

What Can You Do if Your Ex-Spouse Stops Making Car Payments on a Joint Loan

My question involves a banking matter in the State of: Florida

My ex-wife and I are both on the lien for the car she is currently driving. The car is registered in her name. She has implied that she may stop making the payments on it forcing my hand and creating a situation where I make the payments and she keeps driving the car. I have no intentions of doing this. If I'm going to be paying for it, I intend to repossess the vehicle (if legally allowed to do so) and dispose of it in whatever way I can. The question is, can I legally take possession of the vehicle and if so do I need to notify any state or local authorities (since she'll likely report it stolen) before I do so. I don't want to get arrest for grand theft on the way home. Thank you in advance for any information!

What Can You Do if Your Ex-Spouse Stops Making Car Payments on a Joint Loan

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