mardi 26 avril 2016

Drunk and Impaired Driving: DMV No Record of Required Interlock

My question involves criminal law for the state of: New Jersey

I was convicted of a 2nd offence DUI in NJ. I've fulfilled all my court mandated community service, IDRC, alcohol screenings etc. After fulfilling my 2yr suspension I received a letter from the DMV stating that my driving privilege was restored. There was no mention of the interlock install that is mandatory for a 2nd offence DUI. I also called the DMV and they have no record of a court ordered interlock installation/limitation in my records.

My question is if I do go down to the DMV and they do end up restoring my license could there be ramifications down the line?

Drunk and Impaired Driving: DMV No Record of Required Interlock

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