lundi 2 octobre 2017

Criminal Investigations: Da Won't Charge for Harassement

My question involves police conduct in the State of: Maine

Another saga on my neighbor issue, My wife returned home the other night, it was dark, she pulled into our street from the main road end of the private road not from the private ROW portion of the road. as she turned towards the house she saw the neighbor and guest at the guest car and he was shouting. she stopped and heard the guest shout "you f&^$ CUN& and was flipping her off with both his hands all the while the neighbor (the women and her husband did nothing). My wife then backed onto our driveway and called the cops.. well they came out and of course the 3 of them denied it, but the police did report that the guy in question was intoxicated.
the next day my wife checked the game camera and low and behold it has 3 perfect pictures of the guy with both hands in the air flipping my wife off. my wife wrote a statement and made copies of the pictures to give to the chief today since he just got back from training.

Now here is the good part which perplexes me and I do not know where to turn now.

the chief of police came out today and is giving my wife, the women neighbor, and their guest all a cease to harass order. my wife goes look I have infared security cameras that recorded exactly what I did which was nothing and I have game camera pictures showing what the neighbors guest did. and she showed the chief these.
the she goes how is it i am getting summons. well the DA is tired of the Hatfield and McCoy crap out here so she told the chief to just give everyone a cease to harass order with out even seeing proof of what happend. The funny thing is that last week the neighbor was given a verbal cease to harass order per the DA and the chief is now saying she has NOW been warned. my wife goes she was warned last week, she was warned when she had orders against her, she was warned when she violated those orders and recieved a 300 fine in court, she was warned when she went to court for trespassing and lost, warned when she assaulted my wife and went to court, warned 3 weeks ago when she blocked the ROW. OMG the list goes on.

Now if the DA refuses to look at proff of what happend as they have denied everything yet the camera's and photo's show otherwise what can we do?? This women tried to get me for attempted murder last year by lying her ass off, fortunately our dash came showed what really happend so the DA didn't do anything.

if the DA refuses to look at the proof and the police wont do anything unless the DA says so. what the heck can I do?? this women has been charged with 6 counts of trespass, 1 count criminal trespass, violation and found guilty and fined 300 dollars for harassment type stuff.

thanks for listening to my ramble...............

Criminal Investigations: Da Won't Charge for Harassement

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