samedi 28 octobre 2017

Runaways: Moving Out of Your Family Home As a Minor

My question involves juvenile law in the State of: Nevada

In short; my parents are divorced and I live with my mother and sister. Money is extremely tight in our family as is my relationship with my mom. Since I could remember we haven't really gotten along. Mostly we have verbal arguments but we have had some physical confrontations, especially as I've grown up and stress has increased. In a junior right now and I feel I've always struggled with school. I am not the smartest person in class nor the most motivated. I try my best to keep up with school work as well as my after school activities. As I'm getting closer to graduation, stress has been piling up on me and many times have I found my self completely just drained and upset/depressed because of it. I have a decent friend group and a boyfriend who try to help in any way they can, but until now I've been scared to reach out for support in this situation. I do not feel as if I'm in a good place living with my mom for many reasons relating to school, my emotion and physical well being. My mom is not a responsible person when it comes to financial situations, for many reasons as well.
Last year I was offered a place to live that, in both the family and my own opinion, would have been easier on me since it was closer to school and the parent and my friend wouldve been able to support me mentally and financially. I talked to my mom about this, asking if it could be worked out when I did turn 16, but she said no before I could explain my reasoning and why I felt it would be best.
I dropped the situation but its come up again. Please bear with me though for this next part. My boyfriend is 19 and has been on his own for almost two years, and recently moved out of an apartment with his friend into his own. I will caution you that our relationship has not reached sex or anything too sexual/intimate as I do not want anything to do with any of it.
I was purposed to partially move in with him for many reasons: he lives closer to the school and the town (which also means closer to jobs and whatnot) than I do, has his own vehicle which my mom doesnt, has a stable job, and supports me when I have a bad day and occasionally helps me with my school work when I'm struggling. I know there is no way my mom/law will allow me to fully move in, but I was going to ask if it was acceptable to stay weekdays with him and weekends with my mom. That way I would be home to do chores and house work that needs to be done and it gives my boyfriend some alone time so he can have his own freedom.

Is this legally allowed and what would I have to do to have it discussed? Does the law/court have to be involved or is it something I would only need to discuss with my mom?

She can be very strict and stubborn sometimes and I want to be completely prepared and well researched when I ask her for this opprotunity. Mind you, she does not know we are dating. I've mentioned him a lot to her, but due to age, I don't want to tell her until I feel that our relationship will last more than the simple 3 months it has been so far. She knows I spend the night with him and simply hang out with him a lot, and has met him due to him and his friend living just below us in our apartment complexes.

If anyone could help or at least give me some advice I would love it. In a very problematic person and am scared to ask her in fear it will start an argument, but I am not really happy living with her anymore and I don't want to wait until I'm 18. I also do not want to move an hour away with my father because I want to finish schooling in my town, and I never really wanted the law/court involved in dear that would cause more stress than necessary.
Thank you very much and apologies for the very long explanation... I'm really bad at simplifying details.

Runaways: Moving Out of Your Family Home As a Minor

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