mardi 31 octobre 2017

Criminal Records: Criminal Recrod

My question involves criminal records for the state of: CA
Need you urgent, professional help for an innocent poor man!!!!

I was mistakenly arrested half years ago. I was took to the jail and got figure prints, and stayed there for one day before I got myself out with the help of bail bonds office. They initially wanted to charge me as felony, domestic violation.
After I got out, hired a lawyer and they police station said my matter is now “dormant and no one will touch a finger on it”. They will not file the case although they still have the right to file it in the future (possibly within 3 years); and it is now still at policeman station level. So I never went to the court and no record at the court level has been found. The arrest has been reclassified as a detention as no action has been taken for my matter with the help of my lawyer. My lawyer said the only thing I have to do is to wait until 3 years and it will be officially over then.

Here are my questions (which my lawyer is not sure):
(1) I am going to do job hunting, when the employer do background check, what kind of information could they find? Will be any of these like “arrest or detention”, “the reason why the arrest happened” ,“felony”,“ domestic violation” “suspending” showed in the background check?

(2) What else can I do to get rid of this nightmare ASAP or at least to reduce the adverse effect? Is there any method to dismiss/drop the case at the police station level? I do not want to generate a court record. But if the record will definitely affect my job hunting, I could take the risk to activate the case to the court level as I am very confident I can win the case because (1) the female admitted that she attacked me first and I was merely defending myself; (2) I can easily prove that the female told lies to the policeman; (3) I recently learned she should has paranoid personality disorder and some bipolar. (4) I have a lot of evidence to show that she has been violent to me for long time while I have never been violent. (I was idiot and tried to protect her and did not tell the whole story to the policeman for the first time).

I am really worrying about this and pls help me !!!
Every information or suggestion counts!!
I really appreciate your help very much in advance!!

Criminal Records: Criminal Recrod

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