vendredi 29 janvier 2016

Rental Agreements: Renting an Apartment for an Ex-Spouse Who is Disqualified as a Tenant

My question involves a marriage in the state of: New Jersey. My wife and I have agreed to a mutual separation. I have agreed to leave. I,ve tried several apartments but have been denied, each based on "criminal match". A few years ago I was charged with several indictable offenses, they were all dismissed and dropped down to a municipal court, Disorderly persons offense which pled guility and did a year of probation. that's all I have on my record. I've been employed by the same company for 30 years and have lived in the my own house for 30 years. my wife has agreed to rent/lease an apartment in her name but I would live there. I am aware of her risks such as if I didn't pay or damaged something but what other ramifications should we be aware of. Also It doesn't seem right that they look a the charges and not what I was actually convicted of. any help?

Rental Agreements: Renting an Apartment for an Ex-Spouse Who is Disqualified as a Tenant

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