dimanche 29 novembre 2015

Minors' Rights: Can My Mom Take My Car if Both of Our Names Are on the Title

My mom and I are not on very good terms, and she is threatening to take my car if I move out when I turn 17, which is in two months. Both of our names are on the title. I'm just trying to get things figured out now, so I can take the actions needed. My name is not listed on the insurance. However, I do pay for it. We both payed half for the car, but she is telling me she knows the laws and I am wrong. I have caught her lying to me about things like this before, so I came here hoping for some valid answers. If anyone has any information on this particular situation, it would be very much appreciated. Thank you.

Minors' Rights: Can My Mom Take My Car if Both of Our Names Are on the Title

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