lundi 19 février 2018

Disability and Elder Law Issues: Personal Liability when Housing a Mentally Ill Adult Child

My question involves a person located in the state of Utah.

Unfortunately, our son, in his mid-20s, is seriously mentally ill (schizophrenia). He is on SS disability and in low income housing. However, he will be evicted this month, due to felony and misdemeanor charges. Those may also make him ineligible for any type of subsidized housing. There also are currently no available supportive housing options in the city, as per his case worker. We are contemplating buying a small condominium in which he could live. My question is whether, as the owners of the unit, we would be financially liable should something go wrong. For example, if he got in a fight there (as in this last place), could we be sued as owners of the unit who let him live there? What would our personal liabilities be?

Disability and Elder Law Issues: Personal Liability when Housing a Mentally Ill Adult Child

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