mardi 27 février 2018

Support Arrears: Continued Child Support Garnishment After Children Aged Out

My question involves a child custody case from the State of: Florida.
My grandchildren have both aged out of child support. One is 22 and the other 18, for a year now, and is in the army. My Daughter had arrearages and has had every paycheck garnished for years. The State did not stop support on the oldest when she turned 18 and is, only now that the younger has aged out, applying the payments to the arrearages.I might also add that all yearly tax returns, for thousands of dollars were garnished. They say she cant file for a modification because she could only do that before the youngest turned 18. My Daughter also has an 8 year old son whom she receives no support for. If they applied the 3 years since the older aged out it would GREATLY reduce the debt. My daughter wants to pay and isnt asking for it to go away, but at this rate it will take a lifetime... the other way, applying the 3 years, would have her paid off in a year. In the meantime her drivers license was suspended because someone made a mistake My daughter is a server and life is hard enough. This has been going on for 16 years. Is there anything we can do. Divorce was in 2002.

Support Arrears: Continued Child Support Garnishment After Children Aged Out

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