mercredi 28 février 2018

Advice About Son

My question involves criminal law for the state of: California

Hey guys,
I am a single mother in California with a 21 year old son who is a college freshman. I know that he sounds way to old to be a freshman but he had severe health problems as a kid and was thus held back for a few years. I am panicking a little bit right now due to something that has come up and would really appreciate a little advice.

My son is a very good kid and our communication has been great. Recently, I was drifting through his phone when I was borrowing it for a phone call and found a picture of his genitals that he sent to his girlfriend in this chatting app. My son's girlfriend is 17 and is a senior at his previous high school. I know the age gap is a little big, but my son's isn't some weirdo. It is simply that he has to hang with younger kids simply because those are the kids in his grade! Luckily, I saw the picture soon enough and I had a chat with him. According to my son, he and his girlfriend wanted to take their relationship to the next "level". I immediately questioned how many of these types of pictures had been exchanged and went through the entire chat in the app and on his camera and text messages (he doesn't have social media or snapchat). It seems that she sent him one nude picture and he sent one in return. I immediately arranged a meeting with my son, his girlfriend, and his girlfriend's parents and we had a talk on the dangers of sexting and we made sure to delete all the pictures and delete the apps off of their phones which they were communicating on in addition to taking away their smartphones for 6 months and replacing it with a flip phone with which you can only call and not text.

Now, it has been 2 months since that incident and I did a lot of research to ensure that we cleaned the situation appropriately which I know we did. However, recently I was reading about this case about a man in Indiana who was convicted of sending one inappropriate nude selfie to someone who was 16 years old in 2014 over Skype chat. However, even though he ceased contact with the girl he was arrested Two years later out of the blue. This has made me extremely worried and panicked as a mother and it seems like an anomaly but it raises some concerns. I know the chat app my son used was not encrypted which is worrying. However, according to the app the chats are deleted off of the app's server each week and neither my son or his girlfriend saved those pictures on their phones and the pictures were deleted forever when we deleted the chat on the app. I am just worried that just like the man in Indiana law enforcement will come after my son as well. I am just worried that something bad is going to happen to my son for a very minor mistake that we dealt with in the appropriate manner. I know you guys may call me crazy after reading this, but as a mother I just want to help my son, because he has already been through way too much stuff in his life. Please let me know what you think!

Here is a link to the article about the arrest of that man in Indiana by the way:

Advice About Son

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