mardi 27 février 2018

Custody and Visitation Issues: Bedroom Arrangements for a Non-Custodial Parent

My question involves a child custody case from the State of: Indiana
I myself have three kids (1yrs. 8 yrs and 9) i am with someone who has a 3 yr old and we share the 1 yr...right now the baby sleeps in our room in her own bed and the two oldest sleep in a bedroom. He is about to get visitation of the 3 yr old. And he is freaking out that he is going to get in trouble for the little girl sleeping in the same bedroom. My son who is the oldest is willing to sleep on the couch to give the girls there privacy. And to add to it, on the weekends the 3 yr old is here the 8&9 yr old will most likley be at there dads. Will he get in trouble and loose visitation because of the room situation. We are afraid she will take him back to court amd cause problems becuse she does not like me at all..i need help here!!!

Custody and Visitation Issues: Bedroom Arrangements for a Non-Custodial Parent

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