vendredi 2 février 2018

Civil Rights Issues: I Invoked My Right to Counsel and Don’t Consent to Searches but Was Ignored

My question involves civil rights in the State of: Texas
I was approached at my car by a campus police officer upon arriving at the hotel I’m living in due to hurricane damage. He stated he had a warrant for my arrest (which I later learned he did not have) for theft of a computer from my employer. Shocked, I agreed to go to the lobby with him. My phone and purse were taken immediately. I was not able to document what happened but the clerk was nearby. He proceeded to tell me it wasn’t my fault because I’m sick. I was extremely confused and told him to speak with my supervisor. He said he already did and mirandized me.

I’m a recent CJ graduate and knew I needed to invoke my right to counsel and remain silent, which I did. However, he ignored me and began calling me names, accusing me of being an addict, taunting me with lies that made no sense, and questioning me. I have mental health issues and was beginning to become overwhelmed.

He asked if he could search my room and I repeatedly told him I don’t consent to searches. He ignored me and asked for my room number. I refused. He was getting angrier and began yelling at me to give him my room number. I refused. He got on his phone and I heard him say he needed to get a search warrant. At the same time another officer angrily asked the young hotel clerk for my room number, which he gave them.

The officer hung up his phone and proceeded to my room. I told him my disabled son was there and I did not want him questioned without representation and again said I did not consent to a search. He asked his age, which is 25, and told me I had no right to ask for him. According to my son, he answered the door and was pushed aside. When he asked what they were doing they told him they had probable cause to enter. He asked them to leave because he was uncomfortable but they refused. They searched and confiscated every electronic device I had. I work in IT and have several different devices I work on as a hobby.

My job title and reason for being hired was to perform IT Inventory Audits due to the previous report of over 3/4 of a million dollars of missing devices. In my first 3 months I was able to locate $500k of missing devices and consider myself an expert in this field. I was assigned that particular computer by my previous supervisor to use at home creating reports and working with the State Auditor with my findings. That supervisor has since left the company but I did let the new supervisor know I had it.

When the officer returned I was not doing well and knew a panic attack was imminent. I asked for my medication from my purse, he refused. First, he accused me of faking as he was applauding. Then, he started laughing at me as he continued taunting me, which was only making me worse. My doctor’s instructions are to take it if I’m unable to use other techniques. I keep 2 pills with me at all times and my prescription bottle was in my room. My son had come down and although they wouldn’t allow him near me, he could see and hear. He told one of them he could go get my bottle but they refused and withheld my medicine. I had a severe panic attack. I believe the clerk called for an ambulance. As the attack began to subside the female officer recorded me. I know she asked some questions but have no memory of what was said by her or me.

Paramedics arrived and transported me to the ER due to my elevated heart rate. As we arrived, it seemed the EMT was angry at police. He asked the officer for my medication and gave it to me.

I later realized what was really going on but don’t know if the campus police were aware that I had filed a grievance and EEOC complaint when my supervisor refused my request to discuss ADA accommodations leading to treatment in a mental health facility and 4 months off work.

My question, with relation to this forum is how many of my civil rights were violated and what should I do now? I received a letter from my employer terminating me. So, I have no access to any document or correspondence to prove my innocence. Plus, the officer told me not to return to campus. I have both personal items and documents I’ll need to clear my name.

Sorry for the length of my post, I wanted to make sure I was presenting enough to describe my situation.

Thanks for anything someone reading can offer.

Civil Rights Issues: I Invoked My Right to Counsel and Don’t Consent to Searches but Was Ignored

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