mercredi 27 septembre 2017

Survivors Benefits: How Can You Use Your Children's Survivor Benefits


I have tried to find andswers to this and it seems like no one really knows...

My ex husband died 2 years ago, we had 3 children 5,7,8 and they are under my care, they receive around $1500 on survivor benefits every month . I work full time as a manager for an it store, my current husband also works , he is an EMT with night shifts ...

my ex husband died tragically and my kids have all experienced all kinds of trauma and anxiety due to that, after a lot of consideration my husband and I have decided I should find a job part time that will allow me to be home more, not using day care and be able to support the kids in a better way, with their social security benefit, plus my husband job and a part time income we should be able to pay the bills and keep providing them with a good quality of life but my question is If that is allowed ? Or if my income been reduced could be seen as me abusing their benefits ?

I could still save a little every month from their benefit but not as much as I do now ... we don't use their money for luxuries , it is used for their basic needs, medical bills, and classes such as dance and soccer, then what is left is put a side ... I want to make sure before leaving my job that this will not affect their benefits or put me in a bad situation ... any input will be greatly appreciated!

Survivors Benefits: How Can You Use Your Children's Survivor Benefits

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