lundi 25 septembre 2017

Enforcement of Judgments: Payment of Court-Ordered Shared Living Expenses After Divorce

My question involves marriage law for the State of: Indiana
Me and my Ex-husband are sharing living expenses in a home we both own. On our divorce agreement, it outlined that my Ex is supposed to give me a stated weekly amount as his share of our shared expenses. He has missed one week without any explanation. Before our divorce, he is an alcoholic who has a history of blowing his money at bars and stays out days at a time. We have been divorced for six months and he has given me his share of the money for expenses, but I can see this changing as time goes by. Since I am divorced and have no legal responsibility for him, can I take him to court and file a breach of the agreement and have him removed from the home if he continues to not pay his part? Thanks.

Enforcement of Judgments: Payment of Court-Ordered Shared Living Expenses After Divorce

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