mardi 26 septembre 2017

Restricted Licenses: Am I Still Eligible

My question involves a driver's license issued by the State of: Pennsylvania

Bear with me, I might get all over the place with this post.

So around 2013 I got my first 2 DUI within about 3 months of each other. I got convicted about a year or so later. I did all my time and requirements for the sentencing. I lost my license for a year, plus had to have an ignition interlock installed onto my car.
I procrastinated on that and ended up driving without my license for another year and a half, until i got a 3rd DUI.

My sentencing for the 3rd DUI was an extended suspension on my license.

Now the problem I am having is, I check with PENNDOT and my restoration requirements were to send proof of insurance and have an ignition interlock installed, which I recently just got put into my car. I checked on the restoration requirements today, all it says is that I need my proof of insurance sent in, which I sent in last week on Wednesday.

Now with my sentencing for my 3rd DUI being earlier this year, but PENNDOT says my eligibility was in april 2016, is there some way that not having my license for before the dui is credited towards this one?

I also checked and it says my license has expired in 2015, but the restoration requirement didnt require me to send any renewal fees or to go into a DMV to start a whole renewal.

Could someone explain any possibilities of what could possibly go on or be happening? Will i be able to get my limited license still, just with my regular issued license being suspended?

Or if i get this limited license after i do, lets say a year with the ignition interlock, will they next suspension go through and be active then?

Any info that can help lead me to a conclusion would be appreciated. Getting to work is becoming a hassle bumming rides from my father, whos about to start radiation/chemo so i need to get back on the road ASAP. Thank you.

Restricted Licenses: Am I Still Eligible

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