mercredi 1 novembre 2017

Calculation of Support: Child Support for a Child Living with a Grandparent

My question involves a child custody case from the State of: Nevada

-Not quite sure how or where to begin'
My daughter divorced her husband and through out the whole time during the divorce she was going to school and struggling to find a part time job. In the all that was transpiring, the long divorce process going to court sweet and short she always got the end of the rope which got worse every time she went in her ex is military so therefore he would always use the military card and faught (did not want to pay child support).
At the end of the day it all ended to where the judge granted no child support for their 2 year old daughter.

I as a single grandparent aside from my own bills ended up having to support my 21 year old daughter and her 2 year old daughter, I pay for their daughters, child care, diapers, clothing, any needs that come with a 2 year old in the meantime. She is unable to get any welfare assistance reason being my daughter is jaded she thinks if she ask for help she will get into trouble with the court orders.

I dont feel I SHOULD BE PAYING FOR my granddaughters welfare when her father is getting away with $0 child support.

I sincerely wish I could get some kind of assistance.

Calculation of Support: Child Support for a Child Living with a Grandparent

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