mardi 28 novembre 2017

Probate Court Procedure: Am I Absolutely Obligated to File an Ancillary Probate Regarding Property

My question involves estate proceedings in the state of: Texas

My mother died in Minnesota. She and I both have our names on the house where I live in Williamson county, Texas. Her Will specifically leaves this house to me and includes the legal property description. I have certified copies, stamped and filed from Minnesota of her Will as well as the Order of Formal Probate. As she died in Minnesota and the house in question is in Texas, it was my understanding I would have to apply for an Ancillary Probate to have her name removed from the deed.
I have talked to two different attorneys here in Texas. One wants to charge me $800.00 to complete the Ancillary probate that will remove her name from the deed. The other attorney explained a more simple and much less expensive option. He suggested I take the certified copies of her Will and Order of Formal Probate to the county clerk in Williamson County to be recorded within the real estate records. Should I ever want to sell the property the Will and Order of Probate will be available to prove my mother had left it to me.
Please, can someone advise me? I pray the less expensive will be acceptable.

Probate Court Procedure: Am I Absolutely Obligated to File an Ancillary Probate Regarding Property

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