vendredi 3 novembre 2017

Federal Rule 4 - Motion to File Appeal Denied and Options

My question involves court procedures for the state of: Illinois (Federal, Northern Illinois District)

I'm a pro-se litigant and missed times to file appeals for various reasons. recently the judge denied my extension. I want to appeal the judgement. What are my options? I even had the notice of appeal ready and under the 180 day like... max-max limit (rule 60(b)).

Do I/can I effectively start all over again? The order didn't discuss i stated my internet was down for a period and didn't receive the order. Again what's screwed up is i had the full notice of appeal and designation of record ready to go. I could of filed it the next day and still been within 180 days of the judgement.

The defendant is government agencies (state) however not federal.

Federal Rule 4 - Motion to File Appeal Denied and Options

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