mercredi 2 août 2017


My question involves a child custody case from the State of: Wisconsin

Will try to make this not so long.

Agreement is one week on one week off. Kids are 17 and 16. Found weed, baggies, scale, pipe in sons room. Threw it all out. Son went ballistic, broke bedroom door, asked me to pay him for his goods, cussed me out. I called father and we agreed he would go there to cool down for time being. I have two other children in household 13 and 8.

That week ended 16 year old went back to dad. Following weel when kids were to come only 16 year old did. Father said he was going to talk to 17 year old and make him come over. Few weeks later next time kids to come over neither came. 16 year old said she missed her sibling and if they werent going to come they didnt have to. Father said he would talk to them. Few weeks go past kids wont talk to me answer phone texts etc. Father claims he is still trying. I feel bad and buy grocery cards to help pay for them being there extra time.

Next thing i know father says it isnt fair he has them all the time i should apologize for taking illegal drugs and throwing it out and i should be paying child support. I told him he was in contempt and he has not dropped them off as ordered. He said he can't force them to come. He said he is taking me to court and getting every last dime he can from me. I told him this was his plan all along and he never intended on kids coming back. I filed contempt he filed for full custody, tax exemption, and child support.

He lives with known heroin addict now. Has stolen from him and kids to support her addiction. He works 3rd shift kids are by themselves or with addict. 17 year old had .09 gpa this past year and wont graduate high school. Kids dont call me unless they want something, money, tix to an event, etc. My gma died they never came to funeral, called their grandma to pay condolences. My father has been in and out of hospital and they have not visited or called about him. Its gotten really really sad and hurtful.

I just was told that the 17 year old smokes weed with his father. I have no clue how i can prove any of this. The father bad mouths me on social media while friends with our kids so they see what he says. The father does not care about our kids. Who he lives with and the lack of discipline and supervision proves this. He let our 17 year have a girlfriend and get a job and has no consequences for the illegal drugs or failing school.

I dont have money for a lawyer but neither does he. We go next week. I am appearing by phone because I just had surgery and am off of work for 8 weeks. What do I do? I know a generic question but I am at my wits end. I am so stressed with all of this.

Thank you in advance.


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