I've been developing software on my own for the past few years.
The software's purpose is used for doing things that you will currently not find anywhere else.
I am going through the process of writing a document for my patent on a networking method that the software incorporates, which my attorney says he is very confident it is patent-eligible.
My original idea was to patent the software, but my attorney wants me to majorly focus the networking system, and use my software as an example-use, which would be pointless for patenting my software.
My question is,
do I patent only the networking system I've developed? Or am I able to get protection on both within one document?
I could see where my software would fall into the "Copyright" category instead of for a patent, but because the software is innovative, I could also see how it is able to be patented.
Information would be appreciated,
I've been developing software on my own for the past few years.
The software's purpose is used for doing things that you will currently not find anywhere else.
I am going through the process of writing a document for my patent on a networking method that the software incorporates, which my attorney says he is very confident it is patent-eligible.
My original idea was to patent the software, but my attorney wants me to majorly focus the networking system, and use my software as an example-use, which would be pointless for patenting my software.
My question is,
do I patent only the networking system I've developed? Or am I able to get protection on both within one document?
I could see where my software would fall into the "Copyright" category instead of for a patent, but because the software is innovative, I could also see how it is able to be patented.
Information would be appreciated,
Patents: Can I Patent the Idea and Methods
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