mercredi 30 août 2017

How Do You Protect 3 Year Old Victims of Sexual Abuse

My question involves child abuse or neglect in the State of: Louisiana

This is one of the most serious areas of deficiency in our legal system - protection of the very young from sexual abuse - - - A single mother realizes that her 2 year old child has been sexually abused during an agreed to unsupervised overnight visitation with the father. The child begins exhibiting extreme sexual 'acting out' behaviors and expresses verbally on many occasions that these are things she does for 'poppa'. This continues over the course of a year and the child is now 3 years old and continues to sporadically display these behaviors and verbal expressions including to imply that her fingers would be cut off if she did not keep it a secret from her mother. The Audrey Hepburn CARE center has recently provide a report after interviews with the child that overnight visitations should not resume until after the DCFS review has been completed, which will be in mid-September. The DCFS therapist has told the mother verbally that the report will include that the therapist does believe sexual abuse has occurred. Meanwhile the presiding family court judge (Amacker) has ordered that the mother comply with the father's lawyers request that unsupervised overnight visitation resume on this Friday Sept. 1, 2017. The mother's lawyer who has limited experience in such unique and difficult areas only tells the mother to not express her concerns because she will be accused of false allegations and possibly lose custody of her child and to just do whatever the judge says, in effect to hand the child over for 2 days of unsupervised overnight visitation, in the same situation where the child clearly suffered sexual abuse 1 year ago. The first question is - in this situation is it not in the mother's best interest to refuse to comply with the court order in order to protect the child from further abuse, and how to do this in the most strategic and advantageous way. The second question is, when is it time for a mother in this situation to 'go public' and make the rightful accusations against the abuser even facing the risk that it could be used against her.

How Do You Protect 3 Year Old Victims of Sexual Abuse

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