mercredi 23 août 2017

Applying for Unemployment: Fired for Notifying My Employees That I'd Be Leaving Soon

My question involves labor and employment law for the state of: New York

In January I was interviewing for a Lab Manager Position, in February I was offered the position of Lab Supervisor. In addition I was promised a promotion to Lab Manager, with a $10,000 salary increase at that time. Well on July 10th I was called to a meeting to inform me that my Lab was being placed under the Quality Department, that the Lab Manager Position was nixed in the restructuring and that I would not be getting the raise.

Now I was not very pleased because I commute from Syracuse, NY to Herkimer, NY which is an 85 mile trip each way. It cost me $150 a week in gas and tolls. Well on July 12th I had my weekly lab meeting and I hand a memo of the meeting agenda to everyone in my department. In that weeks agenda I discussed the company restructuring, and I also informed my staff that I would be leaving the company in the near future.

The next day the general manager called me into HR and told me that putting I was leaving the company in the near future in my meeting minutes was a problem. He tried to get me to admit that it was a problem and I would not, I stated its the truth. I said to him I'm currently looking for another position, and he turned to me and said then your fired. I never gave a resignation letter, nor did I give the memo to management.

I got a call today from NYS UI and the reviewer has a copy of my memo. She asked me simple questions like do I do a weekly Lab Meeting with memo notes, I responded yes. She asked how did management get a copy of the memo, I said I didn't know and that I did not give it to any of my superiors. She asked did the General Manger explain to me why it was a mistake, and does the company have written policy concerning making such an announcement; my answer was no to both questions.

I filed for UI on July17th, Its now August 23rd. I have no verbal or written warnings, there is absolutely nothing in my HR file and I was a model supervisor. The reviewer stated that she should have this completed by Friday August 25th. I'm wondering what are the chances of my UI being denied. And do I have grounds for a wrongful termination lawsuit.


Applying for Unemployment: Fired for Notifying My Employees That I'd Be Leaving Soon

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