vendredi 2 juin 2017

Tripmate Insurance

:wallbang: HELLO, from New York City. I purchased flight insurance for a $750 international flight last May. I didn't take the flight after having a back spasm. I've have had back issues for a long time, but this one was new. I submitted paperwork for a flight insurance claim with TRIPMATE, the insurance provided by CheapOAir for some $35. They denied my claim, stating that the doctor didn't mention that I had *new* back issues in his report. I resubmitted the claim documents after my doctor filled them out again, stating that i had new back issues. They denied me again, citing discrepancy about when the issues came about (everything occurred within the coverage period, including the single visit to the doctor's office which happened aprx. one month before the flight). I complained on their Facebook page, then they gave me a manager's info. I reached out to him and he said that I should have the doctor refill the form again, stating that I complained about "new back issues" at the time of the visit, and update his notes which they somehow had at this point, and which didn't reflect complaint about "new back pain." My doctor resubmitted the claim form again, with the info they requested, but didn't include updated notes. This last denial wrote: "In order for benefits to be payable under the plan, we must receive documentation of a covered sickness that necessitates medical treatment at the time of cancellation. We reviewed the attending physicians statement completed by doctor xx on April 7 2017 indicating that you complained of and were treated for back pain that began on and was first treated on February 5, 2016. dr xx indicates that the condition disabled you for travel beginning February 5and that your disability is ongoing at the time doctor xx completed this form"

goes on to say "we also reviewed the attending physicians statement completed by dr xx on june 24 2016. dr xx suggest 7, 2016 letter regarding severe back spasm in early march 2016 and dr xx record etc etc etc the february 5 office record does not indicate a complaint of back pain or treatment for complaint of back pain. The requested medical records did not include treatment for a complaint of back pain.

yattayatta in a nutshell they're changing the reason they denied me to the medical records they got don't include the complaint, even though the doctor completed their paperwork stating that such a complaint was made. I'm really frustrated with these people. any advice appreciated

Tripmate Insurance

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