mercredi 28 juin 2017

Calculation of Support: Child Support and Daycare Expenses

My question involves a child custody case from the State of: PA
We got a new order where my fiance gets his daughter during the week in the summer and then mom gets weekends then it switches for the school year. Its basically a 4/3 rotation. I imagine that is a standard agreement and since we live an hr away its the closest to equal we will get.(he did say that was the reason equal is not possible). The judge did slam both mom and dad for the antics in his logic portion of the order and had a lot " mute points" which ended most of the 16 point ruling factors. So they both didnt look good in the judges eyes in the end.
My question is is this standard and how could this ruling affect ccis her mom uses to help pay for her daycare (the order said she does not have to attend daycare when shes w us in the summer but mom has to meet criteria for ccis funding)? Also would this chang3 support in the summer months when we have her majority of the time? We disnt expect to go from every other weekend and one overnight a week to this so we are in shock and not sure what to think if this.

Calculation of Support: Child Support and Daycare Expenses

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