mardi 27 juin 2017

Speeding Tickets: Two Speeding Tickets, One on a Military Base

I've since learned my lesson and will slow down but I received two speeding tickets just two and a half weeks apart. I've never had a ticket before these. I got the first one of a military base which makes it a federal ticket. I was planing on going to traffic school but I was told I need to show up in court to get the referral for a traffic school. I now got another ticket on interest 15 in California. I just received my traffic school info in the mail for that one. I was wondering if there is any way I can do traffic school for both since one is a federal ticket and the other isn't. Are they processed any differently/how would the other court know about the other traffic school I completed? If I can't do traffic school for both what would be my chance of the officer not showing up in court? What are other ways I could go about making sure these tickets don't affect my insurance.

Again I know I need to slow down, I was just having a rough day when I got my second ticket. Any advice helps, thanks

Speeding Tickets: Two Speeding Tickets, One on a Military Base

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