vendredi 30 juin 2017

Estate Assets and Debts: Class Action Settlement After Probate

My question involves estate proceedings in the state of: Colorado

My grandparents who have both passed are eligible to receive a settlement from a class action lawsuit. My grandfather died in 2013, my father survived him and died late 2016.

My aunt is now telling me that my siblings and I have no claim any part of the settlement for the class action lawsuit because my grandfather had a clause in his will that his estate would go to his "surviving children"

My question is this: My father clearly survived my grandfather's death by almost three years. Is it possible that my father's death after my grandfather's would invalidate any claim to his portion of my grandfather's estate and therefore this settlement?

I do not currently have a copy of the will, although I've asked her for a copy I can have an attorney review it, but I was hoping to get some general information here.

Estate Assets and Debts: Class Action Settlement After Probate

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