jeudi 29 juin 2017

Child Custody Court Final Judgement

My question involves a child custody case from the State of: FLORIDA

I will make this short but provide as much info as I can at the same time. Thanks for help in advance!

In July of last year, 2016, My Ex-wife and I unfortunately entered in to a big court battle over our son. She was moving out of state over 4 hours away, she had been unstable in her jobs and employment over the past 5-6 years prior and she honestly overall didn't care about our son's well being and best interest, only the child support I was paying her...

Skip forward to about a week ago and almost a year in and out of Court and Hearings and the Judge ruled in MY favor making me the Primary parent and also ordering her to pay me child support plus back child support for the last year when our son lived with me and she didn't help out any!

Over almost a year in Court, my ex-wife and her Attorney had every chance to show their side and prove their facts and case, however, they didnt have anything really and every chance they got, they lied about things and shot their self in the foot. In the end, the Judge made his decision based on all the facts, situations and evidence and it worked out for me as I now have my son!

However, now my ex-wife filed for a Re-hearing and tried to once again state a bunch of lies and things just way off the facts. The Judge has not made a decision on that yet, which I believe and should be denied. Now though, just a week after filing this motion for a re-hearing, her and her attorney have filled an Appeal.

Now this is where my questions come in....

I can no longer afford the attorney I had. I have spent almost $15,000 so far and just have no more money. So what is the next Step?

Do I need to somehow respond to this Appeal with the Court?
Will this go back to a Trial and/or Hearing and be another year or more in Court?
What are the chances this Appeal is approved or denied?

To me it seems like a slap in the face to the Court and the Judge by her, all because she didn't get her way in the end. I was hoping after a year in court and me finally having my son, this would be the end, but of course not..

Any info or insight on this would be appreciated!!

Child Custody Court Final Judgement

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