mardi 27 juin 2017

Retail Fraud / Shoplifting: What Will Happen if You're Arrested for Shoplifting on a H4 Visa

My question involves criminal law for the state of: Newyork
I am 20 years old. Today I went to walmart and did not take a cart with me inside. I ended up picking a lot more items than I expected so I put everything in my college purse. The purse was full too so I decided to just grab the cart so walked towards the shopping carts which is beyond the cashier point so the walmart employee stopped me and took me to the room and called the cops. I did not pass the walmart entrace, I only passed the cashier's point. I now know putting stuff in my bag was dumb but they did not believe me and everything else after that was a great shock. It came out to be $115 worth of items. Police took me to the station, took my finger prints and told me to come to court with a lawyer, also gave me a ticket.

I am also here on an H4 status(currently attending college), about to file for change of status to F1 in couple of weeks with help of my lawyer.
1) Since I am gonna be pleading not guilty, will they suspend this case and take it out my records?
2) How can I explain my situation in the court? If I hire a lawyer, do i still have to go to court?
2) Will this affect my status change to F1 and How can I prevent it?
3) Should I still pay the fine to walmart even after the suspension of the case?
4) What type of attorney would you recommend? Will the same lawyer who is working on my status change is fine?

Thank you very much in advance.

Retail Fraud / Shoplifting: What Will Happen if You're Arrested for Shoplifting on a H4 Visa

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