mercredi 29 mars 2017

Medical Malpractice: Pcl Cyst Not Removed

My question involves malpractice in the state of: Indiana

I had an MRI done for a workcomp injury. The MRI revealed a I had a cyst on PCL, avulsion fracture, and fractured fibula. Work comp doctor never reveals I have a cyst on PCL. Only tells me my ACL is torn, xrays had already shown avulsion fracture and fib fracture so I was already being treated. He ordered MRI after he seen I couldnt fully extend knee. I had a surgery to repair ACL. I have been having alot of pain and complications. I reviewed my MRI and asked doctor about PCL cyst. I asked if it could be the cause of my pain and complications. He told me PCL cyst was too deep to cause any pain. I have been having trouble gaining full extension of knee and it is painful at full extension point. I have researched PCL cyst and the symptoms are the same as I have. My question is can doctor leave PCL cyst inside of knee, never inform about it? I have never had a knee injury, I know the cyst was caused by accident. Is it malpractice not to treat the injury? I would like it removed. He has never offered anything for it. An explanation, treatment, etc. I was only told about cyst when I asked about it. And then it was just a short response of PCL cyst is too deep to cause my issues.

Medical Malpractice: Pcl Cyst Not Removed

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