jeudi 30 mars 2017

Civil Rights Issues: 4th Amendment Violated

My question involves civil rights in the State of: pa ... k had an officer come to my house with an invalid warrant for someone who did not reside here.. while I was explaining that the person did not live here, he said he smelled marijuana... he asked if I've been smoking and I said yes.. he told me to open the door, j said no.. he said "I'm coming in, if you don't put your dogs on a bedroom and open this door, I'll pop them in your living room"... I did as instructed, they came in, took the 7roaches I had in an ashtray, a grinder and a rolling machine.. said they were charging me with simple possession and I'm lucky I'm not going to jail...I am currently awaiting my " summons"...

Civil Rights Issues: 4th Amendment Violated

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