vendredi 26 février 2016

Court Proceedings: Custody Suspended Pending a Mental Health Evaluation

My question involves child abuse or neglect in the State of: Kentucky
my wife is a very loving mother. Her ex has NPD and took us to court to get full custody.he is very abusive mentally.has had DVO,EPO on him. The judge knows 'Joe',and his friends. Judge "judy" would not listen to our case, even though we had psychologist written statement. 'Judy' gave 'Joe' full custody until my wife gets a mental evaluation, which is in one month.She cant go that long without her kids.Just a normal mother who loves her children.
I feel the judge should have excused herself from this case,or at least listened to the kids. the children were screaming and crying in court that they fear for their lives, but the court didn't care.they wouldn't even let them hug her goodbye. What can we do, quickly?

Court Proceedings: Custody Suspended Pending a Mental Health Evaluation

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