samedi 20 octobre 2018

Traffic Accidents: Claims Against a Judgment Proof Person

My question involves an injury that occurred in the state of: CA

Normally traffic accidents are not my responsibility, but I got into this:

A co-worker's father, who is old and broke and lives in the co-worker's rented room as a permanent guest, had an old car. Tl,dr, he hit a luxury car and totaled his old one. He has no assets and no property whatsoever (he does have lots of debt though), and the car he used to drive was his last property. he had a cheapo insurance which only covered the most basic ones.

Now, the driver of the luxury car claimed an injury and the party's insurance co has demanded an amount north of $30k for damages, but the co-worker's father appears to be judgment proof. He has some other issues which is not relevant to this thread and just wants this thing to end. He knows he will never have the money to pay the insurance co but he doesn't want it harassing him for the rest of his unhappy life.

How can this issue be resolved with as less pain as possible?

Traffic Accidents: Claims Against a Judgment Proof Person

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