samedi 23 décembre 2017

Traffic Court Issues: Would You Fight a Traffic Ticket Yourself

Only about 15% of people fight their traffic tickets. I am curious, what would convince you to fight a ticket yourself? What % chance would you need of beating it to make it worth it?

If youre a traffic attorney, would you pay to have analytics data about cases?

I'm an engineer with a little background in data science so I downloaded ~100,000 Florida traffic cases, their outcomes, who the officers were, etc. Hoping to find some patterns and info to write blgo articles about to help people fight traffic tickets. What would you want to know to be assured you can do it and that it it's worth it? I made a site (CaseGuide) that provides blog articles, prefilled out forms and statistics about beating Florida traffic tickets.

If there are any stats you'd like me to look up or write about for Brevard/Orange County, FL, let me know.

Traffic Court Issues: Would You Fight a Traffic Ticket Yourself

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