My question involves malpractice in the state of: Tn, i went to rehab to get help with PTSD, ADHD and addiction. during my time there the facility gives inaccurate information about me to a neuropsychologist whom inaccurately diagnoses me bipolar and autistic due to incomplete testing, even labels a ADHD symptom as autism in the report and inaccurately assumes that due to medications affect on my physical appearance that im on the spectrum. prior to getting help here i recieved help in 2012 where they did a full battery of test yeilding that i had mood issues due to a traumatic brain injury(even have the mri to prove this) that im not bipolar and that the extenssive test proved ADHD and disproved autism spectrum as my issue. when i was younger they assumed bipolar also which resulted in being drugged up on medication for a condition that they later ruled out and i almost lost a kidney because of it, my current doctor is innaccurately treating me because of the wrong results that the neuropsychologist supposidely concluded which basically means that im not gonna ever really get the help i need in regards to treatment. do i have a case against the neuropsychologist at this point or facility that bascally caused the issue?
Other Professional Malpractice: Neuropsychologist Gets Diagnosis Wrong
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