mardi 26 février 2019

Other Professional Malpractice: Inappropriate Touching of a Patient

My question involves malpractice in the state of: AZ

Hello, I was seeing this doctor for an acute medical condition which involved injections, which he administered personally. Before or after administering the injection he would grab/ touch me and act like nothing happened. When I brought it up with him , he denied that he touched me and needless to say I moved on to another doctor who does not touch me inappropriately. I complained about my previous doctor to the medical boards and the Board got back to me saying that they cant investigate my allegations and that the case was closed. This happened few months back.

As would luck would have it I did not get better and it sounds like I might have a malpractice case which I am discussing with an attorney.

The question is do I need to inform this attorney regarding my complaints to the Boards about this inappropriate touching. I don't want this to be included in anyway shape or form with the malpractice claim. However I feel if the attorney learns about it, he might not like it that I hid something from him.

Not sure how to proceed. thanks

Other Professional Malpractice: Inappropriate Touching of a Patient

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