mercredi 27 février 2019

Security Deposits: Landlord Refused to Pay Back Deposit Claiming I Stole Something

My question involves landlord-tenant law in the State of: California. I had agreed to a deposit of $600 and month to month payments of $600. Upon leaving, I asked him if I could have the deposit back and he said he didn't have it at the moment but that he could mail me a check. I never got the check and after texting him about it he said I had stole some things and that I should replace them in order to make it right. I know he has been having lots of problems with other things in court like owing money on other properties and not providing livable conditions for his tenants. I know this is a lie and it's obvious he didn't mistake me for these missing things that happened before I arrived. I am sending him a letter requesting I be paid back or else I'll take him to small claims court. What would you recommend be the optimal courses of action here?

Security Deposits: Landlord Refused to Pay Back Deposit Claiming I Stole Something

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