mercredi 5 décembre 2018

Public Health Issues: Driving Restrictions Following Passing Out at the Wheel

My question involves public health law in the State of: Wisconsin

I work in a provider's office where occasionally patients pass out and get placed on driving restrictions. I am trying to find the law in Wisconsin that actually mandates this. The physicians tell patients that after passing out, you are on 3 months of no driving regardless, but 6 months if it happens while driving. A physician can sign an attestation that the issue has been diagnosed and treated to restore driving sooner than this. The physicians in question insist that it is a real state law that requires this and they don't just say that as a way to deflect anger from patients who have their driving suspended. What law/statute are they referring to, if any?

Public Health Issues: Driving Restrictions Following Passing Out at the Wheel

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