jeudi 27 décembre 2018

Odds an Assault with Deadly Weapon Will Be Reduced

My question involves criminal law for the state of: Oklahoma

My friend got arrested back in August on a domestic charge of assault with a deadly weapon. A felony. Even though he's been violent in the past, he has no other prior felony convictions, or arrests that I know of. His court records only show two protective orders, one being from his now deceased ex, and a handful of money judgment lawsuits. Based on the fact that he's 45 yrs old with no other criminal history, what are the odds that his felony will be reduced to a misdemeanor? Also, his wife had forgiven him, and has posted glowing things on facebook talking about how much she loves him and what a great husband he is. He has a court appointed attorney, so I don't know what to tell the wife as far as whether or not that means anything. She asked me, thinking I might know. His next hearing is a status hearing for March of 2019. I did tell her I thought a status hearing made it sound hopeful. Especially since enough time has gone by. She's hoping the D.A just wont' see the protective orders, but I'm almost certain they will. I don't know the details on what happened exactly, since she doesn't really want to talk about that night specifically.

Not much to go on I know, but any thoughts out there on what this MAY sound like?

Odds an Assault with Deadly Weapon Will Be Reduced

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