mardi 27 septembre 2016

Working With a Lawyer: Lawyer Distracted Missing Deadlines How to Protect the Case

My question relates to legal practice in the state of: IL
Civil litigation - We are in beginnings of counter suit - The opposing lawyer sent Affirmative Defenses which were suppose to be "answered". We discovered today that although due 2 weeks ago the response hadn't been sent. (We found this out by chance) Whenever our lawyer wrote "Answers" he would send a copy to us.

Lawyer doesn't answer my e-mails. Has forgotten things that he has said. The lawyer said to others involved in this litigation he's waiting for a trial date. I don't know if he has written off responding to the Affirmative defenses (which to a layperson - seems like he's saying he agrees with what opposing council said).

He had serious surgery prior to the beginning of our counter suit, but he stated that the everything was fine

Is there anything that can be done to protect ourselves or the case.

Thank you

Working With a Lawyer: Lawyer Distracted Missing Deadlines How to Protect the Case

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