mercredi 29 juillet 2015

Custody and Visitation Issues: Mediation for Child Custody in Kansas

My question involves a child custody case from the State of Kansas: My son's mother and I are in mediation for a second time. I have sole custody and she has supervised visits do to abandonment and child abuse also she is married to a convicted felon and they have several Domestic Violence arrest. My question is we were sent to mediation because she is trying get off of supervised visits with my son.
This time at mediation she has been caught in several lies by the mediator( very blizzard lies). She also has not paid her part of the mediation that was due and now 9 days past the due date. I received a letter of complaint and I called the mediator office. I was told that if she does not paid then they will go on with the court order mediation without her and the recommendation to the court will be made without her.
My question (because I forgot to ask) is how long will they wait for her to pay or are they moving on without her now?

Custody and Visitation Issues: Mediation for Child Custody in Kansas

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