jeudi 26 avril 2018

Social Security Issues: My Friend Wants to Move Out but Their Mom Won't Hand Over SSI

I live in Florida and so does my friend, who we'll call M.

M has been a victim of emotional abuse since they were six. Nobody really knows the true nature of it except for them, their sibling (who we'll call H) and me.

M is turning 18 on May 24th. I've known M for a little more than three years now. M is diagnosed with ADHD and is on the autism spectrum. They are not being treated for either of these. Around the time we met, they were bulimic because of the things their mother said to them about their average weight and body type. They display symptoms of depression and anxiety but are not diagnosed with either because their mother rarely takes them to the doctor. Their father works abroad and is barely around. No one in their family will help them out of this situation or even realise that there is a problem. M just wants to start their life and become a teacher. But because of how depressed they are, they are having an incredibly difficult time in school, and they want to get a GED to just get it done and over with because they probably won’t be able to pass the normal way.

Basically, they need to get out of this bad situation. I am worried for their life because of their occasional suicidal tendencies. At 18, which is less than a month, they can leave. But their mother probably won’t hand over their social security card or other identification documents. They need these. Can their mother legally withhold these documents to prevent them from moving out as a legal adult? I live in Florida, this is extremely important to me, please help.

Social Security Issues: My Friend Wants to Move Out but Their Mom Won't Hand Over SSI

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