jeudi 26 avril 2018

Harassment: Harassment Warning , What Can I Do

My question involves criminal law for the state of: MAINE

So I got into an argument with a female on Facebook yesterday. She has my cat (I can't have cats in the house I am renting) and I frequently check in with her to see how she is doing (My cat). Well yesterday I checked in and she responded saying I was ignorant and didn't wanna talk about anything other than my cat. All fine and dandy I only talked to her about my cat anyways , but i gave her a definition of ignorant and said i was fairly knowledgeable and that instead I was a dink. To then she said not to communicate with her again and blocked me from messaging her. I made a post on Facebook with a screenshot of said conversation stating what a bitch she was for it (she has my cat and now i can't communicate with her , bitch move) I immediately deleted my post having thought better of it. Well she saw it and made a counter post making all kinds of accusations against me and what not. I took a screen shot and made a new post bullet pointing a response to everything she had to say and tagged her in it because she made it so I could not comment on her post and defend myself. Well it blew way out of proportion , she started commenting on MY post saying I was harassing her and that she'd told me to stop talking to her. Mind you she's on my post talking to me telling me not to talk to her again... she resorts to saying this is why I have no friends and what not then calls the cops. Apparently an officer is trying to serve me with a written warning to stop harassment... I recently turned in an application to be a firefighter in my town and I want to know how even a warning could affect my application and not only that but my future regardless. I am providing a link to my google drive with screenshots of everything and a link to my post. She deleted her post after cops were called because there were threats made against me , she even had somebody message me to threaten me. I want to know what I should do.... Thanks for your time anybody that cares to read and respond

My Facebook Post
Google Drive with Screen shots

Harassment: Harassment Warning , What Can I Do

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