jeudi 26 avril 2018

Disciplinary Issues: Subpoenaed to Court, Not Being Provided Time Off

My question involves labor and employment law for the state of: TX

I am being subpoenaed to court as a witness in a case involving a neighbor. I am JUST a witness, who actually didn't really see anything at all or gave any kind of statement. I have a vacation next month that is already booked and paid for and I was already approved for the time off.

I was subpoenaed yesterday and am due in court in a week. My work is refusing to give me a vacation day for this, and have told me I have to either use a sick day (thus losing my only sick day that I have left, which I might need later in the year) or take the day off unpaid, but could face disciplinary action for taking an unauthorized day off (neither sick nor vacation), so taking my sick day is my only option.

I read on the site that "Just as with military leave and leave to serve as a subpoenaed witness in a court or administrative proceeding, an employer should not count jury duty leave toward an absence limit.", so would that not mean that my employer should provide an additional day for witness duty, so as to not effect my current vacation time?

Disciplinary Issues: Subpoenaed to Court, Not Being Provided Time Off

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