samedi 28 avril 2018

Ownership Rights: Neighbors Mowing Across Property Line and Damages

My question involves personal property located in the State of: VA

Last year I put up a very nice looking privacy fence to separate my property from that of my less desirable neighbors so that I could have some form of peaceful enjoyment. This fence is all within local code and looks great however they inherently hate it and have tried to do everything they can to have it removed. Legally there’s nothing they can do about it.

The fence was intentionally set 3 feet inside of my property boundary so that I could maintain both sides of the fence and they would have no reason to touch it. Now they are mowing next to the fence (on my property) while I’m gone and subsequently they’ve knocked a few boards loose and caused damage. They were previously informed it wasn’t a property line fence and also prior to that advised not to trespass on my property.

These people have a history of damaging fences elsewhere on the other side of their property between themselves and a school as well as other places they mow because they are reckless people.

What can I do to keep them away from my fence?

Ownership Rights: Neighbors Mowing Across Property Line and Damages

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