jeudi 20 septembre 2018

Divorce: Order for Change Venue

My divorce occurred in April of 2017 in Waupaca WI when my ex-wife moved to that county when our marriage fell apart and I stayed in Kenosha where we lived together since 2005. In February of 2018, she moved with my kids to upper Michigan (over 150 miles away from me) without my knowledge. According to the court order, any change of address, I should be notified by certified mail (which I never received it) and when we had the last hearing in June of 2018, (By the way, we've had so many, perhaps due to her boredom, my ex loves to set up hearings) she did not have the proof that she sent a certified mail and the judge has the good send and kept the same mid-point where I can pick the kids up, she finally was obligated to sign the quit claim and days later, after proven records that I couldn't keep her alimony, she lost it.

Right after this last hearing in June, my ex was threatening me by txt messages saying that she will have "weekly hearing" - if needed, because according to her, she has doubts about the "judge's capacity of handling multiple topics in a single hearing". However, in August, I received from the Courthouse in Waupaca, "Order for Change Venue", letting me know the case would be handled as of Aug 2018 in Kenosha-my county, because both us do not live in Waupaca County. Now I found out that I have in a few weeks, a hearing in Kenosha and my ex wants to take the case to Upper Michigan and certainly move forward with the "Weekly hearing" idea. My ex does not work, she has all the time in the world, I can't afford all these trips, I have a type of job that I need to set up weeks in advance meetings and stuff plus do not have vacation days left.

My question is: What are my chances to keep the venue in my county and the decision of predecessor judge?

Thank you.

Divorce: Order for Change Venue

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